Northeast Georgia Historical and Genealogical Society

Covering Banks, Hall, Jackson, Habersham, Lumpkin, Forsyth, Dawson, Rabun, and White Counties

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sitting Up With the Dead- Friday, November 13th, 2009

Spend Friday the 13th

Sitting Up With the Dead

Have you ever dreamed of being locked in the library?

Have you wanted to research genealogy “to your heart’s content”?

On Friday, November 13th you will have the opportunity to fulfill your dream.

Participants will begin arriving at noon, pick up their name tags and become
acquainted with the Sybil Wood McRay Genealogy & Local History Collection. At 5:00 p.m. the library is closed to the public. No one is admitted after 6:00 p.m. The second floor will remain open until midnight for genealogists. This event is not for beginners or the faint of heart!

The cost is $12.00 per person.

The Sybil Wood McRay Genealogy & Local History Collection offers full online access to Ancestry Plus database (includes Federal Census for the United States from 1790—1930 when available); Heritage Quest Online; microfilm of Georgia Censuses from 1820—1930 (excluding 1890) and accompanying paper indexes or microfilm soundexes; some paper indexes for North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Virginia, and Tennessee censuses; microfilm of local Hall County newspapers starting in the late 1800’s through current day (sporadically); a strong collection of Georgia records, cemeteries, and histories; a Civil War collection; a Native American collection; an African American collection; and much more.

By visiting the online catalog at you can be able to plan your strategy ahead of time. Photocopies are .20 cents per page, and the copy machine takes nickels, dimes, quarters or $1.00 bills. Microfiche/microfilm copies are .25 cents per page.

Staff and volunteers will be available to assist you.

Sponsored by the Northeast Georgia Historical & Genealogical Society & the Hall County Library. Call 770-532-3311, ext. 116 for more information.
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Registration Form for Sitting Up With the Dead
Address _______________________ City____________ State ___ Zip __
Email Address ________________________________________________________
Up To Three Family Names You Are Researching: _________________________________________________
Remember to include your non-refundable check made out to Hall County Library System for $12.00 per person to cover the cost of a boxed supper and late night snack. Mail your check and registration form to Ronda Sanders, Hall County Library, 127 Main Street, NW, Gainesville, GA 30501.

Check and registration form must be received by Monday, November 9th.

New Books at the Hall County Library- November 2009


Hawkinsville by Phillip A. Gibbs GA/REF/ 975.8523/Gibbs

Historic Camden, Part 1 & 2 GA/REF/975.761/Kirkland
by Thomas J. Kirkland

Cemeteries of Anson Co., Vols. 1 & 2 GA/REF/929.5756 753/Dunlap
by A. Haynes Dunlap

Cemetery Records of Richland Co, S.C. GA/REF/929.5757 71/South
South Carolina, Vols 1-6

Interment Records of ElmwoodCemetery GA/REF/929.5757 71/S.C.
Columbia, S.C., Vols. 1-2

Hawkinsville by Phillip A. Gibbs GA/REF/ 975.8523/Gibbs

Historic Camden, Part 1 & 2 GA/REF/975.761/Kirkland
by Thomas J. Kirkland

Cemeteries of Anson Co., Vols. 1 & 2 GA/REF/929.5756 753/Dunlap
by A. Haynes Dunlap

Cemetery Records of Richland Co, S.C. GA/REF/929.5757 71/South
South Carolina, Vols 1-6

Interment Records of Elmwood Cemetery GA/REF/929.5757 71/S.C.
Columbia, S.C., Vols. 1-2

Cemetery Records of Richland Co, S.C. GA/REF/929.5757 71/South
South Carolina, Vols 1-6

Interment Records of ElmwoodCemetery GA/REF/929.5757 71/S.C.
Columbia, S.C., Vols. 1-2

Hawkinsville by Phillip A. Gibbs GA/REF/ 975.8523/Gibbs

Historic Camden, Part 1 & 2 GA/REF/975.761/Kirkland
by Thomas J. Kirkland
Cemeteries of Anson Co., Vols. 1 & 2 A/REF/929.5756 753/Dunlap
by A. Haynes Dunlap

Cemetery Records of Richland Co, S.C. GA/REF/929.5757 71/South
South Carolina, Vols 1-6

Interment Records of ElmwoodCemetery GA/REF/929.5757 71/S.C.
Columbia, S.C., Vols. 1-2

Historic Camden, Part 1 & 2 by Thomas J. GA/Ref/975.761/Kirkland

Cemeteries of Anson County, Vols. 1 & 2 by GA/Ref/929.5756 753/Dunlap
A. Haynes Dunlap

Cemetery Records of Richland County, GA/Ref/020/5757 71/South
South Carolina, Vols. 1-6

Interment Records of Elmwood Cemetery, GA/Ref/929.5757 71/S.C.
Columbia, S.C., Vols. 1-2

How to do Civil War Research GA/929.1072 075/Sauers
by Richard A. Sauers

History of the 53rd Regiment Alabama GA/Ref/973.7/McLendon
Volunteer Cavalry by Robert G.
McLendon, Jr.

Macon, Georgia Newspaper Clippings GA/Ref/929.3758 552/Evans
(Weekly Telegraph) Vol. VII,
1855- 1857 by Tad Evans

Pulaski County, Georgia Newspaper GA/Ref/929.3758 523/Evans
Clippings, Vol. VI, 1908-1910
by Tad Evans

McDuffie County, Georgia Marriages GA/Ref/929.3758 632/McRee
1870-1919by Fred W. McRee, Jr.

Wilkes County, Georgia Deaths 1805-1925 GA/Ref/929.3758 172/McRee
by Fred W. McRee, Jr.

Pulaski County Deed Books “A”, “B”, “C” GA/Ref/929.3758 523/Dennis
& “D” 7 Nov 1807 - 30 May 1816
by Rudy Dennis

Educational Survey of Walker County, Ga GA/Ref/929.3758 33/Duggan
by M.L. Duggan

Grady County, Georgia Churches GA/Ref/929.3758 986/Grady
Histories for the Grady County
Cemeteries 1906-2006

The Genesis of Grady County, Georgia GA/Ref/975.8986/Waldorf
by Gwendolyn Brock Waldrof

Cemeteries of Grady County, Georgia GA/Ref/929.5758 986/Cemetery
Addendum 2007 compiled by
Cemetery Surveys by
Grady County Historical Society, Inc

Answering the Call: World War II Men and GA/Ref/975.8984/Haydel
Women of Thomas County compiled
By Douglas J. Haydel

Twelve Months Support for Widows and GA/Ref/929.3758 272/Jones
Orphans of Hall County, Georgia
Book A transcribed by Patricia K. Jones

Marriage and Death Notices from the Southern GA/Ref/929.3758/Holcomb
Presbyterian Vol. I: 1847-1865 by
Bent H. Holcomb

A frontier Link with the World: Upson County’s A/Ref/385/Paterson

McDuffie, County, Georgia Ordinary Court GA/Ref/929.3758 632/McRee
Records 1872-1927
by Fred W. McRee, Jr.

Stargel my branch of the family tree GA/Ref/929.3/Stargel
By Thomas J.D. Stargel

Our November 2009 Newsletter

PO BOX 907085



It is time for our quarterly meeting. It will fall on Nov. 24, 2009. We will convene at Hall County Library, Main Branch Conference Room beginning at 6:30 p.m.

Our topic for this meeting is FAMILY STORIES, Funny, Sad, Historical, whatever.
({PRIVATE} will lead us in our stories.) Everyone has a story of some kind in the family past. So rack your memory, if need be, and come up with some doozies. We all need to really know that all families are alike in some wacky way, not just mine. Looking forward to a lively evening of entertainment.

{OUR EDITOR} says she has plenty of ‘stuff’ for this newsletter, but we can always stockpile your contributions until next time. Send in those stories, charts and queries, so she will never run short again. We also need to be thinking of programs for next year. If you have a good idea for a program, please bring it up and let’s get it on the calendar.

On the line of business, we need to elect officers to serve next year. If the committee contacts you, please accept, or better yet, call them and volunteer. Our committee includes {PRIVATE}. But as always, come and vote your choice.

See ya’ll at the meeting,
{PRIVATE}, President



MEETING TIME: All meeting at Hall County Library Meeting Room (ground floor) unless otherwise note
Nov. 24, 2009 February 23 2010
May 25, 2010 August 24, 2010

Note: Society reserves the right to reschedule meetings if necessary so that apt and convenient times may be considered.

POLICY: Dues are $15.00 per year, subscriptions for newsletter are yearly from date dues are received. Back issues of newsletters may be obtained for $3.50 per issue, includes postage. Queries published free for members. Non-members will be $5.00 per issue.

MEMBERSHIP: Expiration dates are shown on address label following your name. We mail a courtesy copy to allow time for renewal, however, no other reminder will be sent. Don’t miss your newsletter. Renew on time.

ARTICLES FOR PUBLICATION: We welcome articles on families, ancestor charts, group sheets, obits, etc., on individuals and families who have lived in or passed through North Georgia area. Please sign them and mail to PO Box 907085, Gainesville, Georgia 30501.

{PRIVATE} sent us the following: This is an original document purchased at an antique auction. This may concern an indentured servant. I have striven to copy the spelling exactly as I read it.

The Colony of Connecticut
To Samell Walcott Allyn Constable of Windsor 16/money
November 29, 1764. To Transporting Bethea Palmer and her child a
Transport Pardon from Windsor to Suffield the ? said ? Bethea being
Deliveyred to me the ?said? Constable of Windsor By warrant from
athoriaty by the Constable of Hartford in order that she might be
Transported from Constable to Constable to the Town where She
Belonged near Boston in the Province of the Massecute Bay
Samll Wolcott Allyn Constable
Administrator’s Bond
State of Georgia, Hall County
Know all Men by These Presents, That we, FRANK BUFFINGTON principal, and O.D. BUFFINGTON securit are held and firmly bound unto E.C. BREWER Ordinary of said County, and his successors in office, in the sum of eight hundred dollars, to be paid to the said Ordinary and his successors … [irrelevant legal wording left out].
Sealed with our seals, and dated at GAINESVILLE, GA the 2 of Jan. in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty Four.
The Condition of the above Obligation is such, That if the above bound FRANK BUFFINGTON, Administrator of the lands, tenements, goods, chattels and credits of MRS. AERA A. BUFFINGTON deceased, do make a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the lands, tenements, goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the hands, possession or knowledge of the said FRANK BUFFINGTON… [irrelevant legal wording left out].
Attested and proved by (signed) E.C. BREWER, Ordinary

(Signed) O.D. BUFFINGTON, Seal
Georgia, Hall County.
I do solemnly swear that MRS. AERA A. BUFFINGTON deceased, died intestate, so far as I know or believe, and that I will well and truly administer on all the estate of the said deceased, and disburse the same as the law requires, and discharge to the best of my ability all my duties as Administrator so help me God.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 2nd day of Jan. 1934
(signed) E.C. BREWER
Hall County, GA Probate Court; Estate Case Files 1819-1978
Microfilm in possession of Hall County Library, Gainesville, GA
Microfilm: Cabinet 4, Drawer 2, Roll 28 (Brown, Millard to Buffington, Mary F.)

Submitted by: {PRIVATE}



The Gainesville Eagle
Gainesville, Hall County, GA
Thursday, Oct. 13, 1932Section: Down the Valleys of Hall

Gillsville Route 2

Mrs. O.D. Buffington

Mrs. O.D. Buffington, age 58, died suddenly at her home near Gillsville Wednesday morning, Oct. 5. She had apparently been in good health up to the time of her death. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Buffington. She had been a faithful member of the Methodist church for a long time and was a faithful wife and devoted mother. She had many friends throughout the state who were saddened to learn of her death.

Funeral services were conducted at the Buffington cemetery Friday morning with Rev. E.C. Sweat_am? officiating, with interment there.

Surviving are her husband, five brothers and sisters and five children. ___ Guy Buffington of Atlanta; Frank, Mark, O.D. Jr., Buffington and Miss Lottie Blanche Buffington all of Hall county.

Source: The Gainesville Eagle on microfilm at Hall County Library, Gainesville, GA

Submitted by: {PRIVATE}
[Personal Note- This is the obituary of Ara A. Buffington Buffington (Mrs. Odis Dean Buffington)]


Searching for any information that could help me shed light on the parents of Willis C. Chandler born 28 December 1807. South Carolina Census records say that he was born in South Carolina. The first record I have found shows Willis signing as a witness to a Codicil added to the will of William Devenport (also an ancestor of mine) between January 1840 and July 1842. The Codicil states that Devenport purchased a tract of land from John Kirby and his children were to divide said land equaling among themselves. The 3 witnesses were listed as Lewis H. Shumate, Nimrod Donalson and Willis Chandler.

On 12 October 1845, he and his wife Leanna Campbell Chandler joined the Fork Shoals Baptist Church in Greenville County, SC. They are listed as “RWD” in the church minutes, which means “received without detail.” No children are mentioned in the Church minutes. Leanna Campbell is the daughter of John Richard Campbell and Virginia Jane Barnett.

Willis and Leanna had 3 children. Mary Jane (26 April 1837-19 May 1884) married Mark L. Davis. Sarah Ann “Annie” (23 April 1841-1 April 1874) married Frank M. Austin and is buried at Fork Shoals Baptist Church. My great-great-grandfather, Pinckney Lafayette Chandler was born 29 December 1842 and married Susan Elliotte Vance (granddaughter of William Devenport I mentioned earlier). Pinckney died on Christmas Day 1868. His only child, my great-grandfather William Vance Chandler was 17 months old.

Willis remained in Greenville County until his death 13 February 1887. He and his wife Leanna are buried at Fork Shoals Baptist Church. She died 15 January 1876. He was active in the church and served on many committees. He appeared as head of household in the 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880 South Carolina censuses (in the Oaklawn Township) as well as the 1860 Slave Schedule. His name appears in the Greenville County newspaper “The Southern Enterprise” on 8 September 1869 when serving on the grand jury. He appears in the 1843-1844 Greenville City Directory, as land owner in the Fork Shoals Area.

I have been unable to find him in the 1840 census or at any time before witnessing Devenport’s will . His daughter’s descendents have no information on his parents. I have been told that he may be the son (along with Allen, Josiah and sister Rachel) of Henry Chandler, grandson of William Hampton Chandler of Greenville County, SC but have found no proof. I suspect that he and Allen Chandler may be brothers or first cousins, again, no proof.

Any information, help, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.